Role-based usage

The AnnotationControlList plugin has two modes of usage. The role mode requires no more configuration than an @roles annotation on your action.


Setup your AuthComponent to use the AnnotationAuthorize and AnnotationFormAuthenticate classes:

public function initialize()
    $this->loadComponent('Auth', [
        'authenticate' => [
            'Josegonzalez/AnnotationControlList.AnnotationForm' => [
                'passwordHasher' => 'Blowfish',
                'roleField' => 'role',  // `roleField` is `role` by default
        'authorize' => [
            'roleField' => 'role',  // `roleField` is `role` by default

Requiring roles for a given action

Annotate your methods with the roles you want to allow:

 * @roles all
public function index() {}

 * @roles authenticated
public function add() {}

 * this is a list of roles
 * @roles anonymous, some_other_role
public function register() {}

 * this is also a list of roles
 * @roles ["admin", "a_special_role"]
public function admin() {}

You can specify one or more roles in any of the above formats. If no role is specified for an action, then no user will be allowed access.

Special Roles

The following roles have a special meaning:

  • all: All users will have this role
  • anonymous: Users that have not yet authenticated against your app will have this role
  • authenticated: Users that have been authenticated fall in this role

Available Classes

The following classes are available for your convenience:

  • AnnotationAuthorize
  • AnnotationBasicAuthenticate
  • AnnotationDigestAuthenticate
  • AnnotationFormAuthenticate

These extend the core classes and override the following methods:

  • isAuthorized
  • getActionRoles
  • getPrefixedAnnotations
  • getAnnotations
  • processRoles
  • authorize
  • unauthenticated
  • getController
  • prefix

Custom Authenticate Classes

The AnnotationFormAuthenticate class extends FormAuthenticate to override the unauthorized() method, allowing us to use the annotations to define access even if the user has not yet authenticated. You can follow this pattern for any Authenticate class you create/use by adding the following to either your custom authenticate class or a subclass of one of the core classes:

use AnnotationParserTrait;